A Knife Somewhere

Two luminaries of the Democratic Party are now endorsing Hillary Clinton as the ideal VP pick for BHO, the presumptive Democratic candidate for president. Her “18 million cracks in the glass ceiling” are given as the primary reason, meaning the 18M+ voters who chose her over Obama. The fear, of course, is that some portion of those voters will switch to the GOP, out of spite or a genuine mistrust of a man who has virtually no foreign policy, economic or military experience.

Sen. Obama will not be consulting this blog for advice, I’m sure, but perhaps a few of his supporters might. To them I offer Continue reading “A Knife Somewhere”

Power corrupts- updated

In recent years I have become wary of a certain situation. Whenever I find myself admonishing someone to be careful of some sin or situation, a little voice mumbles something in my head. Has this ever happened to you? The voice is mumbling “… your turn next?” Sometimes this happens before my words to the other person are even out of my mouth. “There but for the grace of God, go I” said John Bradford, and I believe it wholeheartedly.

The Governor of New York apparently Continue reading “Power corrupts- updated”


Dear friends and family,

Despite my better judgment, I’m going to write an update this week because so many cool things have happened. Most important and wonderfully exciting is we had a blizzard here in Columbus!!! It started snowing Friday morning, kept going through to Friday night, and by Saturday morning it was blizzarding and it didn’t really stop until Saturday evening. I can’t say what the average snow fall is or anything, but around my dorm it ranges between a foot and a foot and a half deep. The wind was blowing pretty hard the whole time, so the snow got moved around quite a bit.

Snow is so much fun!! and this is the first time I’ve been in so much snow (excluding a big snow we had when I was about 5 which I don’t remember very well). Friday evening I spent an hour sliding down a steep pathway, very very fun, and later that evening after my usual IFI potluck, a few other international students and I Continue reading “Blizzard”

One Yard Halfback

“No one wants to carry the ball 99 yards all the way to the one-yard line, and then give it to the halfback who gets all the credit,” one state senator complained to a local journalist.

I don’t usually start a post with a quote from a rabidly liberal journalist who works for the largest, most despicable newspaper in the U.S. Paul Krugman, however (writing here in the New York Times) makes an excellent point. Is Barack Obama really an Eli Manning for Democratic progressives and liberals, or is he something else? I must give credit here Continue reading “One Yard Halfback”

The End of the World….. I mean Quarter Has Come

The End of the Quarter Has Come…….oh yeah…..dear family and friends too,

Mostly, the last week is here and then finals, which I won’t call a week because it is not. However, this is a first for me, since last quarter I only had one final and that was pretty easy, and this quarter I have four finals. Therefore, today you get an abbreviated version of my activities for the past week, and next week you probably won’t be hearing from me at all, as I doubt I’ll be able to unstick my face from my textbooks long enough to write an e-mail longer than “ask me after finals.” There is definitely nothing in the world quite like college ;)>

Tuesday- I took my second math midterm. If you want to know Continue reading “The End of the World….. I mean Quarter Has Come”

An Exciting Week

Greetings fellow conspirators (don’t ask, I just wanted to say something different),

I have had quite a week, and I’m sure your just withering away in your chair waiting to read about it since you were deprived of my brilliant and witty writing last week. Ahem……so anyway this week I got to meet General Abizaid, the recently retired CENTCOM commander (CENTCOM stands for Central Command, which is basically where all the top military decisions of the United States are made). He came to OSU to give a talk about the state of the Middle East and how Continue reading “An Exciting Week”

Barack Obama is white!

Stanley Ann DurhamThere… I’ve been struggling with this for months, and now I’ve said it. So, before you click past, aghast at such umbrage, may I point out a simple fact: Sen. Obama’s mother is white. Of course, his father is a black man from Africa, making him very precisely an “African-American”. Nevertheless, with inter-racial parentage, it stands to reason that he is just as much white as black. In truth, he is mulatto, a term I became more familiar with in the first stages of Sarah’s courtship with Dani Auguste. (In Haiti, by the way, these folks are typically from the upper classes and are given respect as a matter of course.) This tension was brought to mind while reading this article today from the Wall Street Journal, and I think it makes an excellent point. Somehow, Sen. Obama’s vision and Continue reading “Barack Obama is white!”

Political at OSU

Lydia is under the weather this week, so here’s a quick post with a snippet from a recent e-mail:

    I’m only going to tell you about one thing because I it is really interesting. I went to a Hillary rally on Thursday night and got to see the real deal. I also was, at one point, a foot away from her and could have shaken her hand and gotten her autograph if I wanted to (as everybody around me was doing). But I didn’t want to. I went there to see her and take her measure. I got a real good picture of what she plans for our country, and I don’t like it. But after seeing her I can say I respect her as a person, if not as a politician.

She hopes to be back on the blog next week…

World Magazine vs. New York Times

It appears that I am the official recipient of a “fuss” (see below :-), and in response to both my news-aware daughter and anyone else who might be getting a daily dose of “liberal”, I offer World Magazine. It is an excellent source of news and commentary, both timely and with an eternal perspective, from a consistent, Christian worldview. It’s a natural fit for some of you; for others, who have no particular religious faith, I especially recommend it because it is a source you can trust to do one thing well– present an alternative perspective to the NYT and all other “mainstream” media. Why would you want this? If God is no more important in your life than the score of last week’s football game, why should you care? Oddly enough, there is a very good reason– civic responsibility. To be specific, the quality of life your grandchildren will experience will be directly affected by the cultural foundation we all lay today. If all you read is the NYT, your part of that foundation might well be rabidly, lopsidedly secular. In reality, the founders of this country, along with the majority of great men and women since, were not atheists and were either believers or at least church goers who had bought the Reformation worldview.  Whether  you agree with it or not, understanding the moral framework which produced the greatest democracy in human history is a goal worth spending some time to reach.

Here’s an example.  Good from Bad… Homosexuality: The cultural mainstreaming of homosexuality is liberating those seeking to escape it is an article which addresses a failure of the church, an unexpected consequence for the radical left and good results which come from misguided (at best) intentions.  You will never see this in the NYT, because they abhor it’s implications.  You must have a subscription to read the whole thing, but “just a taste” for $5 online isn’t a big investment.  It might make you mad, or it might really help you, but it will never parrot the NYT’s line of thought.  Try it, then come back here to let me know what you think…