War & memory

Today, Memorial Day 2010, I went to a service by myself for the first time.  For many years Mom & Dad went to the local Grove Hill Cemetery, where the the local VFW always sponsors a service, and I have gone a few times with them.  For whatever reason neither went today, so I went alone.  The weather was perfect, it didn’t rain, and I saw Continue reading “War & memory”

Slippers- their name says it…

“No, my left hand isn’t dangling by a thread after massive loss of blood yesterday as a result of …”  That would be my answer to my brother, who had called from Calif. this morning very concerned by an e-mail he had gotten yesterday from Mom.  She didn’t send it to me; I haven’t seen it; something about serious injury to my whole hand…

Remember when your mother told you to stop running around the house in your slippers because you would bust your head wide open?  (You were 4 at the time; you may not remember.)  I forgot; was just doing Continue reading “Slippers- their name says it…”

In Mexico We Trust

Andrew McCarthy of NRO points out something very important in this article: the brazen polemical attack on the state of Arizona by the president of Mexico last week represents something more than partisan politics.  Since it was fully supported by Pres. Hussein, and thunderously applauded by the Democrats, it is clear that the very fabric of who we are as a country is under attack.  Should we reward persistent, unrepentant Continue reading “In Mexico We Trust”


A terrible earthquake, apparently building up pressure over hundreds of years, has practically destroyed the capital city of Haiti.  Over 200,000 people, some having died in agony after hours under the rubble, have been dumped in mass graves because there simply wasn’t time to bury them properly.  Many more are terribly injured or suffering from the deepest poverty, because they have nothing left, and they are in line with thousands of others who have nothing left.  But… as my daughter recently commented, this just doesn’t seem fair.  Haiti always seems to get the short end of the stick; they have been in poverty for centuries, and are Continue reading “Voo…”