Fall has finally fallen

Dear friends and family,

Well, fall has truly come to OSU campus, and the war is in full swing. What?….you don’t know about the war? It is an epic battle of mighty proportions that I see raging back and forth across the campus. The sides are not equally matched, and I fear that those who fight for good on campus shall be overpowered and ground to shreds. Haha, I hope I’m confusing you >;)>. I’m speaking of the heated battle between the groundskeepers and the falling leaves. The beautiful, many colored fall leaves are swirling and falling all over campus, making everything beautiful, as if covered with a weird colored snow (hmmm, maybe not). Anyway, it is the hight of my fall experience to swish through fallen, crackly leaves on the way to class.

However, it seems that the powers that be on campus are not an open minded and nature loving bunch. They’ve sent their lackeys (groundskeepers) out on a quest to gather and destroy all rebellious leaves who refuse to stay up in their trees. I see the evil work being done every day, and I long to pause in my hurried rushing from class to class in order to lend a hand to the poor leaves.

Despite the fact that I know the leaves will eventually be overcome, they Continue reading “Fall has finally fallen”

Another week

Dear Family and Friends,

Well, I had my arabic oral midterm on Thursday, and I think it went well. And, praise the Lord, our wonderful teacher moved our written to monday so I have more time to study. In my Chinese reading/writing class we have finished reading “The Lady in the Painting” an old chinese folk story (and a pretty good one I think) and now we are moving on more advanced text books. I turned in my comparative studies mid-term papers, I’ll get a grade on those next week. We are now moving on to Continue reading “Another week”

Some pics of College

Here are two pictures for your enjoyment. One is of me in one of my medieval dresses. I had put it on earlier in the quarter to wear to one of the Rennaisance guild meetings. Sadly, I could not become a member, but at least I got to go once or twice.

Me in my dress

The second picture is me and my roomate, Suzanne, in our dorm room (click on it to see a larger version).

Me and my Roomate


Praise the Lord

An amazing thing happned to me this weekend, one in which I experienced the providence and amazing works of God’s hand. I want to share it with you. Those of you who are believers will rejoice with me in how God has taken care of me. For the rest of you I hope this will be a witness to the works of my savior.

It was Saturday. I had come home from my last rugby game of the season, and now I had to take my bike to get fixed. Something had happened to it involving the gears and the peddles wouldn’t turn, so I was going to take it up the street and see how much it would cost to get it fixed. It was 2:00, and I had a talk on Women and War that I was going to attend at 3:00. So I was in sort of a hurry.

I took the bus up there. You get free fare on all the Cota Buses with your student ID, and they have bike racks on the front. I arrived at the bike shop and someone looked at my bike and said it would cost around 30$ to fix. But, he also said there was a bike co-op where you could take your bike and fix it yourself with people around who could answer your questions. By this time it was already about 2:40. The bike co-op was open from 12-6 on Saturdays, but to fix my bike that day, I would have to miss the talk I wanted to go to, which was from 3-7. I decided to go the the talk and fix my bike later. So, I went to the bus stop, caught a bus, and as I was getting on and trying to find my student ID to show the driver, I discovered Continue reading “Praise the Lord”

Greetings from the College Girl

Dear Friends and Family,

Let’s see, where did we leave off…..Oh yeah, another rugby game this weekend. Again, we were beat, but it was a lot closer this time and we actually did pretty well. I think mainly its because our teem isn’t as physically fit as it should be (people didn’t keep up physical training over the summer) so we kind of burn out halfway through the game. Yeah, that was A side. B side, yes Continue reading “Greetings from the College Girl”

I was attacked by the US Navy

(team); I was attacked by the US Navy team. Rugby team to be precise.

Dear Friends and Family,

Aahh, I suppose you’re all wondering how the game went. Well if you weren’t wondering, then I applaud you for not being draw in by all this stupid sports stuff. I suppose I have been drawn in, but solely for physical fitness and teamwork development reasons. Well…anyway. The good news is, I had a ton of fun. The better news is, I didn’t get hurt (bruises don’t count, and I definitely have a few). The other news is, Continue reading “I was attacked by the US Navy”

My first full week of school

Dear Friends and Family,

My first full week of school has gone well. I’m still alive and excited about next week. I feel like I’ve been here for ages though. I have to think for a moment, “has it only been one week?”

I have finally made a final decision on what clubs I’m going to participate in. Though I really wanted to, I’ve decided to pass on the Renaissance Guild club. It was tons of fun, but it would take too much time and money. Instead I’m joining the women’s rugby teem, and the OSU college Republican’s club. Yesterday I volunteered for a door to door campaign effort to support the republican candidates for city council and mayor. They have elections this Nov. for city level stuff. It was nice to talk politics with people.

Arabic is really hard at the moment because Continue reading “My first full week of school”

Now officially a freshman

Greetings, Friends and Family,

Marhaba, or to those who don’t know Arabic, hello. I am finally back in school (yeah, I love school!). I’m a freshman and everything is exciting and new and the possibilities are endless. Everything is perfect, except for the fact that I’m paying through my nose to go here. Don’t feel sorry for me or anything, the Lord had provided for me so far and will continue to do so for as long as he wants me in school. Now I suppose you want to know what has happened this past week, so here we go.

Sunday Mom, Serena, and I drove up to Columbus and they helped me move in. After a goodbye, slightly teary in the case of Serena (love you twit!), they left and I was on my own. Oooo, scary thought. Only, Continue reading “Now officially a freshman”

Me up a tree

Me in a maple tree in Mr. Pettibone's front yardHere’s a pic of me in that tree I told you about– enjoy, I sure did.

p.s. sorry about the size, I can’t fig. out how to make it smaller on my mac, but I wanted to post it before I got home, so I suppose you’ll manage.
