Facebook and the next life

OMG– where is this going?  Don’t worry- nothing spooky (Oct. 31st being tomorrow notwithstanding 🙂 )  Give me 30 sec.- something just hit me, and to illustrate it, I’m going to post here and at Facebook simultaneously.

An online IT commentator says in a recent post, “It’s all enough to make me want to stop using Facebook.” The “it” is a creepy feeling he gets when, by way of his Facebook Wall, his relative starts a conversation thread with some guy who is the neighbor of his co-worker, and their only connection is … him!  In other words, his formerly separate spheres of relationships (family, work, neighbors, etc.) are now melding together into one big, sometimes confusing glob.

That’s heaven.  Continue reading “Facebook and the next life”

Right or Wrong?

They say that information has to be free.  They’re right.

In this article, the Wall Street Journal discusses a welcome change (in my mind, at least) for some of the country’s top law firms– the recession is forcing them to move to “flat-fee” billing.  Of course, you don’t know the details, unless you subscribe to WSJ Online.  I don’t.  But wait… click on this link, then click Continue reading “Right or Wrong?”

Our president, the “assassin”

And we should be glad he is, and hope he will continue to be.

FACT:  The Predator Drone is working against al-Qaeda’s efforts to organize their attacks, by continuing to take out their leadership.  In the process, regrettably, innocent civilians have also been and will be killed, namely the ones who live with the al-Qaeda leadership (some unwillingly).  This is one of the wretched facts of war; this, of course, is another one.

FACT:  If the war on terror is merely a law enforcement action, and not a war which could threaten our security and integrity as a nation, then international law declares that Pres. Hussein is assassinating innocent foreigners, and the International Criminal Court at The Hague could have him Continue reading “Our president, the “assassin””

Windows Vista? This guy loves it…

Direct quote from here:

Darryl4207 2008-06-30 09:34:49   flag as inappropriate

I am a computer repair business owner and LOVE VISTA!!! I get calls all the time from customers to resolve the litany of compatibility issues and glitches with it … so I make big $$$$ from these calls. THANKS MICROSOFT!!!!!!


There are definitely people out there who love Vista– they tend to have brand new hardware.

The Obvious … isn’t

Eagle F-16 with ONE WINGTake a close look at this fighter plane. Do you see anything unusual?

One of the things that makes living in America in the 21st century a challenge is something I’ll call inscrutible complexity. That is, some things seem simple or manageable, but when you actually try to do them, you get lost. I have business clients, for instance, who look at a computer screen as they try to figure out how to do something, and they’re toast. They are looking at the same screen I am, but they are overwhelmed by all the information and can’t make sense of it. Something like that has, I believe, happened with US foreign policy in the last decade. So many things are going on, and they seem so complex and dangerous, that the average voter just wants to “get the troops out of there”, come home and be done with it.

I recently read at article at EjectEjectEject.com that is Continue reading “The Obvious … isn’t”