This September 4th is the 3rd time in my life that my government has, unbidden, designated me to be a certain thing:
- At birth, 65 years ago, I was designated as “born”
- At 18 years old, I was considered “draft ready”
- Today, I am “retired senior citizen”
To all of you who have wished me a happy day, thank you! To my government, however, I have a different response, namely… “are you kidding!!??” Not only am I not retired, with no intention of ever retiring in this life, but I have just barely gotten started, with many more goals and dreams in mind. Here are a few:
- I’d like to own a home, for the first time in my life. Beth and I did live in a trailer once, which we owned, but the lot was rented and our living quarters had a hitch on one end. Since then we have lived in family-owned homes, but none owned by us… so we’re building one. Out of straw. Another story (which starts in earnest this coming fall)…
- I’d like to see more of the world — first by traveling in this country (perhaps towing an RV) and then to some foreign countries (China & Australia in particular)
- I aspire to continue and improve a counseling/discipleship ministry with younger men, both at my church and elsewhere
- My life’s work, I believe, will be the creation and kickstarting of the 10th Generation Project… again, another story for another time
Obviously, if I keep working in addition to all this, there will need to be some version of slowing down. Health issues may impact as well, and I (like all of you) are not guaranteed tomorrow, much less next year or 2050. Nevertheless, the one thing I know for sure is what I won’t be doing.
On my 65th, I am thanking the Lord for the privilege of living this long, with a beautiful wife, great family and in good health. I’m also sending a message to you, Uncle Sam: you can count me out of those retirement stats! Cause… what you’re sellin’, I ain’t buyin’ 😀