Dear Friends and Family,
NOTICE: This is the last weekly e-mail you will get from me until I get back from China (I think) because I am going to get my own blog page where I can easily upload pictures, so you get to visit that once a week and read my post. However, I know that the internet is a little weird in China because the government messes with it, so if for some reason I can not access my blog in China, or you can not access it or something, I will go back to weekly e-mails. We will figure all that out when the time comes, but just don’t be alarmed if you don’t get anymore e-mails from me. I will let everyone know the web address of my blog once I get it (probably sometime this week).
Back to the main message. Yeah! Done with the last week of school. Now I have three finals left, all of which I will do on monday one after another (fun fun, imagine me NOT jumping up and down for joy). Then I will pack up Monday night and go home Tuesday morning. Yeah for three days at home visiting my family and furiously preparing for China, then I fly out Friday morning. If all goes according to plan, I will arrive in Beijing Saturday night, spend the night there with a friend, and then go by train from Beijing to Qingdao on Sunday.
So Monday was Memorial Day and I had it off from school. I mostly did homework (yeah) and watched a movie (actually yeah, the other one was laced with sarcasm just in case you didn’t pick up on that), and then went to a cookout at Will’s (my amazing cousin) in the evening. Will and Linda had also invited another cousin of theirs (related to will on his mother’s side, so no blood relation to me) named Beth. Beth is a first year vet student at the OSU Vet school. We all had a wonderful conversation and it was fun getting to know another ‘cousin’ of mine who lived around Columbus. I actually have quite a few cousins in Columbus that I did not know about. It was truly the Lord’s grace that led me here to Ohio state, its really nice to have relatives around.
Tuesday through Friday were not too hectic, since I finished my 511 Chinese individualized class last week, and I was just doing review for Arabic and Psych. On wednesday I had to do my final Arabic Oral, and on Wed, Thur, and Fri I took my Chinese 510 final in three parts (bless their heart) instead of doing it all at once on Monday of finals week. On Friday, being the last day of classes, we had an Asian language festival for all the Asian language students at OSU. Most of the classes had some sort of play or skit to present. As you know my class made a short movie and we played that. I didn’t stay long because I was supposed to be having my Chinese calligraphy class at the time, but my teacher let me leave for 15 min to go see our debut on the big screen 😉 If anyone is interested in seeing our movie go to youtube and search for “OSU Chinese 510“, or you could just click on the link. I hope you enjoy it, let me know if you like it or not.
God bless to all and enjoy your summer!
In Christ
Wow! My daughter getting beat up by a somewhat overweight guy with chopsticks (watch the video…). Honestly, you look like you’re having too much fun to feel sorry for you… 🙂
This would probably be even funnier if I could figure out what movie it is a redux of.
Love, Da