Dear Friends and Family,
My second to last week went very well. We changed text books so there was a little bit of study adjustment that went on, but once I knew what to expect things smoothed out. We also started translating and narrating the Chinese movie I mentioned before, “Strange Friends.” It is actually a very good movie, from what I’ve seen so far. Narrating it feels like it will be a lot harder than it actually is. It is simply a matter of memorizing a bunch of terms, and then not freaking out when its your turn to narrate. And of course since I’m a very rock solid, quiet, practical kind of person ;)> I had no trouble at all.
I worked extra this week, since I will be gone Saturday next week and Friday I need to spend packing. As a result, I completely finished weeding Mr. Pettibone’s yard, a very good feeling indeed. He bought a bunch of shrubs and some flowers last week, so Saturday he had a landscaping friend over at his house helping him decide where to put everything. I was not a part of this process, and instead found a very nice, large maple tree in his front yard which I promptly climbed. Mr. Pettibone thought this was funny and took some pictures, I’ll post them as soon as he e-mails them to me. I also got to meet his 15 year old son, Jason, who was cleaning out his dad’s garage (conscripted child labor).
Early Saturday afternoon, having a bit of spare time, I rode the bus down High Street to the Barnes&Noble bookstore, where I sat around and read various literature for two hours. I also bought a couple things with the gift cards I got for my birthday (thanks guys!!). That particular Barnes&Noble bookstore is only about 1/3 a bookstore. Another 1/3 is taken up with OSU clothes and accessories, and the last 1/3 is school supplies. It is right across from campus, and if you have plenty of money, there is no better place to get school stuff. Seeing as how I don’t have plenty of money I will content myself with reading books there for free and buying second hand stuff somewhere else.
I just got back from a little outing with my cousin, Will Logan, who has lived in Columbus for years. Since I am soon to go home, we decided today would be a good day to, as he puts it, “take a spin around town.” He took me down to the old brewery district where 10 or 12 old German breweries still stand. They are amazing. All red brick with white stone edging, some of them with turrets and arches in a German castle style. Next we went through the German district in south-east Columbus. We drove along shaded, cobblestone streets, looking at beautiful houses built by German immigrants in the late 1800’s early 1900’s. Finally we hunted down a “little joint” as my cousin called it, named the Old Mohawk Grill, and ate a tasty brunch. We had a wonderful talk, ranging from the Iraq war and 2008 elections, to Columbus city history. My cousin is a wonderful talker. He tells amazing stories, makes good arguments, and can always make you laugh. Definitely a ladies man (reminds me of my grandfather actually).
That is the extent of my excitement this week, and I can’t wait till next Sunday when I will give most of you my next update in person (yeah! singing and dancing in the streets). For the rest of you, I hope I will have a chance to see you when I am home. If I don’t get a chance, be sure to call me and complain about it.
Love to all, stay well, be good, and God Bless.
In Christ
Lydia Thomas
“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” I Corinthians 1:3
“Always remember where you came from, and where you are going to” –unknown
“Age is foolish and forgetful when it underestimates youthAlbus Dumbledore